Haloo bolo-bolo!!! Gimana nih kabar kalian?? Semoga selalu dalam keadaan baik yah.. Nahh sebelumnya kalian udah tahu belum sih apa itu tabel?? dan gimana cara buatnya?  atau mungkin kalian masih bingung?? kalau masih bingung, langsung aja simak penjelasan dari aku...SIMAK YA BOLO!!

 1. Understanding the definition of tables

1.)   Definitions

A table is am arrangent of data in now’s and colums, or perhaps in a more complex structure. Tables are widely used in communication, research, and data analysis. Reference table, namely this table contains all data. This table contains a lot of data which is detailed and neatly purposes.

2.)   Function,

the data in the reference table is usually used as input various statistical analysis    activities or as a source of all detailed information and is used for designation.

3.)   Types Of Tables

1)     Three-way table / manifold

2)     One Way Table/ simple

3)     Two way table

22     2. Sample Of Table

This is a table of Railway Schedules, we can find the information about :

1.     you can choose a train according to your destination

2.     you can know the departure time and arrival time

3.     many choices of trains according to the time and your destination

      Tabel diatas merupakan contoh tabel jadwal pemberangkatan kereta api, setelah kalian menyimak yukk kita buat contoh tabel selajutnya!!

     3. Writing Tables

     A.     Below is a sample table of family expense

 Family Expense For A Week

This table about contains family expenses in a month by item

As can be seen, there are 3 item; Expense, Weekly Expense, Total

Item :

            tells about, various kinds of needs to be purchased
       tells about, spending amount in a week
        tells about, total price in four weeks or one month of the item


This table can be used evaluation of family Expenses

Ø     There may be items that are not too important to buy



B.    Table 2 bellow is about the expense of a house building of family expense

 Planning a 300 Millian House

That will be build for 5 months

There are 5 item;  Number, Description, Volume, Price Unit, Total

Item 1 tells about number

Item 2 tells about description of work to be performed

Item 3 tells about The required volume of goods

Item 4 tells about the item unit

Item 5 tells about the amount of the price that has been multiplied by the required volume


Nahh..setelah kalian simak contoh contoh tabel diatas, apakah kalian sudah paham?? aku yakin kalian pasti paham cara membuat tabel atau pun pengertian tabel dari penjelasan tadi..Semoga materi tersebut bisa membantu bolo-bolo yaah!!

Okee sampai disini dulu materi tentang tabel, Share materi ini jika bermanfaat!! 

Terimakasih bolo-bolo!!



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