Haloo bolo-bolo!!! Gimana nih kabar kalian?? Semoga selalu dalam keadaan baik yah.. Nahh sebelumnya kalian udah tahu belum sih apa itu survei?? dan gimana cara buatnya?  atau mungkin kalian masih bingung?? kalau masih bingung, langsung aja simak penjelasan dari aku...SIMAK YA BOLO!!


 Understanding Survey


1.     Definition

Survey namely research that takes samples from one population and uses a questionnaire as the main data collection tool.

A survey is a method of gathering information using relevant question from a sample of people with the aim of understanding population as a whole.


2.     Function

Survey function the following are some of the survey functions or uses :

1)     To get the facts from the existing symptoms

2)     Seeking factual information from a group area, etc.

3)     Evaluate and compare things that have been done by other people in dealing with similar things

4)     Coeducated on a number of individuals/units either by census or sample

5)     The result are for planning and decision making


3.     Expression to explain / writing

1)     Yes or No question, example :

Do you like chocolate drinks? Yes/No.

Do you like to eat spicy food? Like gacoan and sambel? Yes/No.

2)     Open question, example :

How often do you listen to music from spotify?

Very often/Often/Rarely/Never

Traffic lights on the highway consist of the following colors, except..

a.      Red   b. Blue   c. Yellow   d. Green

3)     Red  The interest of others take precedence over one’s own interest strongly



4.     Survey Types

The type of survey is divided into 7, namely:

1)     Personal survey

The survey is conducted privately and is not published

2)     Omnibus Survey

Several short surveys are combined into a questionnaire and are generally conducted on a regular basis

3)     Advocacy Survey Surveys to fight for an issue

4)     Internal: Self poll administered poll

Internal poll : Interviews were conducted at the respondent’s house

5)     Information gathering activities related to the election process and vote acquisition are carried out by volunteers through direct observation at selected TPS


Penjelasan diatas merupakan pengertian, fungsi, contoh penggunaan, dan jenis jenis survei. Nah setelah kalian menyimak penjelasan diatas selanjutnya kita akan melihat contoh contoh survei, YUK KITA SIMAKK..!!



5.     Sample


1.     How I Feel About My Life

The above table is about how i feel about my life, which is feel about my filled in each day to find out how i feel every day


2.     Survey on which jobs are the most stressful


The picture above is the result of the most stressful job survey according to workers and the most result fall on event coordinator


3.     The results of a student survey based on height in cm units


The survey above is useful for knowing and recording the height of the children in the school




6.     Writting


1.     Student Opinion Survey About SMK 4 Semarang


Above is an example of a survei i made. Do you want to try to fill? Please try and click the following link


Nahh..jika kalian ingin melihat jawaban dari link tersebut, kalian bisa nih langsung buka jawaban yang ada disebelah pertanyaan jika sudah nanti akan muncul seperti ini

As you can see, the results of the survey are similar to the example i shared above. The results of the survey are presented in the form block chart.


Apakah sudah cukup contoh dari saya mengenai membuat form?? Atau mungkin kurang paham dan membutuhkan contoh lagi?? Okee tenang boloo sini aku kasii contoh lagii!! Yuk simak..


2.     Survey On The Physical Development Of Capaska 2023


Unlike before, this survei aims to report students regarding their physical development which must be filled in every day, of course in a different format than before.


Seperti apa sih jawaban/respond yang mereka kirim?? Tentunya berbeda dengan yang tadi ya bolo..yuk simakk!!


The survey that i made above is an example of the results of capaska physical development which will later be used as observation data.


Nahh..setelah kalian simak contoh contoh survei diatas, apakah kalian sudah paham?? aku yakin kalian pasti paham cara membuat survei atau pun pengertian survei dari penjelasan tadi..Semoga materi tersebut bisa membantu bolo-bolo yaah!!

Okee sampai disini dulu materi tentang survei, Share materi ini jika bermanfaat!! 

Terimakasih bolo-bolo!!



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